Tuesday, October 23, 2007

People Pictures

Hello and welcome back! Uploaded some recent pictures of people. Its a nice change and a whole new challenge. Some aspects of shooting people are MUCH easier than wildlife, others are more difficult, especially with children. I am always available to take pictures , even for Christmas cards or gifts, it will be here before we know it!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


I had a chance to work a little more on this painting over the weekend. Hope to do more on Sunday!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

New Painting

Acrylic start

Changed my mind, now its an oil painting!!

I started this painting as an Acrylic. See first image. BUT I was having issues witht he way the color looks so drab. I walked into my studio one morning, grabbed my oils and started to paint right over the hours of work I had already done, the feeling was epic. You can see in the second image that the oils have much more richness and a feeling of impressionism. The last image is where the painting is today. The final image is one of the several photos I am working from that i took this summer, the main difference is the trees in the back ground, I rearranged them to work better composition-wise. I still have many hours to go on this but feel like it is going in a good direction. comments?

Monday, October 01, 2007

29th Annual Richter Art Show/ Juried Competition.

I am pleased to announce that the "Tree Swallow" just took 2nd place at the Juried art show at the Richter Art Center in Danbury! It was a great honor to be recognized for this painting, especially with all the other great artist that entered.