Monday, November 19, 2007
Rut part 2
A few photos from the weekend. A nice big ol buck chasing a doe. And a deer I have seen a few times I call "ol' Crazy Horn"
Question, I am entering 2 paintings in the Mark Twain Library Artshow. I am having a difficult time picking 2 that are both strong and work good together, any suggestions?
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Hello everyone,
I hope your fall is going well. I am writing to let you know that because of the great success of last years art calendar I decided to do it again this year. I have new paintings, sketches and photos. I will also be doing a deer only calendar that features my best of the best photos of white-tailed deer. If you are interested ( this is a non commitment thing) let me know if you would like to purchase one or more. Last year a lot of people gave them as Christmas gifts to friends and family and I had great feed back. This will help me figure out how many I should order, I don't want to run out in 3 days like last year! Contact me by sending me a message through the CONTACT page on my site.
So let me know
•2008 Deer Photo Calendar ($15 each)
•2008 William Kramer Studio Calendar ($15 ) ( 6 or 7 new paintings, Sketches and a few Photos)
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Its November 11th and in the northern area where I live and White Tailed Deer are in rut. Rut is a time of year when Bucks are very active and out seeking does for mating. The Rut is triggered by moon phases and peaks seven days after the second full moon of the autumnal equinox on September 21st. I enjoy this time of year very much, not only are the leaves bright yellow and red, but there is something about the crisp morning air that makes me smile. As soon as we set our clocks back I find lots more time to go out and take pictures before work and on the weekend.
This Sunday morning I headed into the woods about 730 am to look for animals and birds, basically just enjoy a beautiful fall day. After about 40 minutes of hiking off trail I noticed a doe crossing downwind of me and decided to sit down and watch her. Within 5 minutes a few more doe appeared, and as I suspected they were being followed but a large buck I know very well. In fact it is the same buck I am painting right now from pictures I took this summer.
After about 20 more minutes I was able to make my way almost unnoticed to a vantage point where I could capture the moment on my camera. Notice how the buck was following the does ever move. In a few images you can see the doe in the foreground or background being chased.
Hope you had a great weekend , check back this week to see an amazing find I had on Saturday.