Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Spring Backyard Birds

I have been a little behind posting photos, a few of you have kindly sent emails to give me a kick in the pants, so here is what I got. I have been going for lots of walks with the camera, in the orchards and field edges out my back door. In addition to the birds I was lucky enough to capture are all the ones who flew away before i had a chance to get a shot. All said and done, so far I have identified 7 new species that are new to me. I also started a new Birdlist for New Hampshire. According to the list New Hampshire has 389 species of birds. Check back soon

White Crowned Sparrow

Scarlet Tanger

Savannah Sparrow

Robin on nest


Palm Warbler

Northern Oriel

Indigo Bunting

Blue Heron