Monday, January 25, 2010

5 miles from my house!!

For now I will keep it the location secret, more to follow. Stay Tuned!

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Winter Wonderland

Checking the weather forecast last night I had a very strong feeling we were info an amazing sunrise. I preset the coffee maker and got all my camera gear ready for and early departure. With fluffy snow still falling I headed to bed anxious to see what the new day would bring. I was not let down by the sun gods this day. All these photos were taken within a mile of my front door in Hollis, NH.

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Monday, January 18, 2010

Hollis Red-Tail with rabbit

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Spotted this hawk Sunday evening in Hollis, NH. This red-tail is one of the largest I have ever seen. I have seen it about 5 times in the same small area, he is very timid and flys off very quick once he spots me. I watched him nail this rabbit as I was driving by, then watched for about 8 minutes before he had split and taken half of it up into a tree. Hope to see more of this guy closer with better light!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Eastern Screech Owl

Hello again,
I am very happy to share some photos taken yesterday along the New Hampshire seacoast of a Eastern Screech owl. With sightings of this guy becoming pretty regular in a very specific location, my friend and fellow photographer Kevin Klasman and myself headed to see if we would be lucky enough to get a few photos. The screech owl is a bird that I have been wanting to see for years, I jumped at the chance to not only see but to be able to photograph this little guy. The 20 or so minutes we watched him he never opened his eyes, although he would move around a bit here and there. We left him undisturbed very happy with the shots!

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Kevin, very happy with his first screech owl photo!

Saturday, January 02, 2010

Tree Sparrow and winter barn...Happy New Year!

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 I hope everyone is enjoying the recent snow. It seems like it should be coming down through the weekend, I am very excited about this. I have been reading a lot of bird list recently, a bird list is essentially an on-line list that updates everyday.  Members will keep a on-going log of birds they have seen in their area. Birding is an amazing hobby that can be done very casual, of very intense. What is so interesting is that some rarely seen birds are showing up within my area, including a bird I want to photograph more that any bird at the moment, the Snowy Owl. Click here for a link to the New Hampshire birdlist to see how it works. Hopefully some updates on that to follow. For now I have a nice shot of an American Tree Sparrow and a Black Capped Chikadee. Finally, the light and scene was set up just right to shoot this barn that is just a few houses down from mine.  Every time I drive by I look at this barn, actually I think its more of a woodshed. Enjoy!

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