Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fall Art Shows!

2 of my acrylic paintings are now on exhibit in Bennington, Vt at the Bennington Center for the Arts. If your in the area Please stop by to check them out. Show runs September 11 - November 28, 2010

On another note,  2 photos and one painting will be showing at the Beaver Brook Association's "Forever Nature" show in Hollis, NH. Show dates are October 3&3rd. Please stop by and check out Beaver Brook, allow some time to check out the amazing trails and foliage.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Amazing Video from the BBC

What an amazing experience to be able to film one of these guys up close at will. Enjoy!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Broad-Winged Hawk Migration at Pack Monadnock

 Broad-winged Hawks forming a 'kettle' as they rise on the warm thermals to continue migration south

After reading Pack Monadnock Raptor Migration Observatory's amazing 3000+ hawk report from Saturday I decided to go check it out. On Sunday I headed to Peterborough and join a great group of birders from all walks of life. Although we did not see any birds for the first few hours things changed quickly!
The official counter Henry Walters posted a days total ( from 6:15am-4:45pm) of 1792 birds, 1727 of them were broad-winged hawks. An amazing experience I will not soon forget!

Lone Broad-Wing passing by.

Turkey Vulture on a thermal

2011 Calendars!! 
2011 Calendars are ready for pre-order and will start shipping in 2 weeks. This 13 month calendar contains my favorite shots from the past few years. They make a great gift!


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Surf and Turf

 2 for the price of one!
At the time I took these images earlier today I had no idea what I captured. Once
I opened these photos up on my computer I noticed this Blue Heron caught a frog AND a crayfish in once bite. As the high speed shots continued,  the crayfish shook free and fell into the water. The frog became lunch. After watching this heron for about a half hour he ate an amazing 6 frogs!

Action shot

Here is a video clip from today, I still have a lot to learn about video, somehow it got cropped in to much and you loose the heron a bit. Still cool to watch!

Monday, September 06, 2010

The velvet peels..

Each year the antlers of a white-tailed deer fall off and regrow. This time of year (early to mid September) the outer layer of skin and hair called 'velvet', will peel from the now hardened antler. It will appear bloody but research seems to indicate this is not a painful process for the deer because the nerve endings have turned off with the calcification. For years I have spent a lot of time trying to witness this amazing event with no luck. Things changed this year. What makes this such a rare experience is that the very small time frame when this actually happens. From my reading it seems that this event happens in 10-24 hours until all the velvet is totally peeled off. Many times the deer will eat the skin for many reasons from nutritional value, to cleaning up its own scent to help avoid predators.

Also got some great shots of this little bird which I THINK is a Black-throated Green Warbler. Cute little guy.

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Lifestyle Photos

Recently I have been spending a fair amount of time developing a 'style' for some upcoming life style photo shoots for NEMO Equipment. I feel like I am settling in on this saturated, high-contrast, tilt shift feel. This treatments helps convey emotion and sense of place while leaving the door open for imagination and an almost dreamlike feel. Hope you enjoy!