Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fall Spectacular!

 I have been lucky enough to photograph and enjoy some of the best peak foliage in the East ( Vermont, New Hampshire) and more recently the West, ( Utah).  Here are some of my favorite shots from the past 3 weeks.
Acworth, NH

Old Friends

Near Bennington, VT

Class 6 Road

Bennington, VT

Uinta Mountains, Utah

Uinta Mountains, Utah


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Benninton, VT Fine Art show

This weekend I will be headed to Bennington, VT to join artist from across the country to see my painting in the Impressions of New England art show. This nationwide annual exhibition will include images captured in paint and bronze. Seashores, rolling hills, foliage and New England wildlife will be depicted in over seventy fine works of art. Participants have included Elizabeth Apgar-Smith, Kathleen Kennedy, Gerald Lubeck, Pat Parkinson, Ian Ramsay, Carolyn Walton, and Timothy Thies.

I am super excited to be part of this amazing show, and ready to see Vermont at its finest at the PERFECT foliage weekend!


Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Owls, Owls Owls

I had a great time this past weekend attending the live owl educational show called " Eyes on Owls" put on by Marcia and Mark Wilson. All of the owls that they featured were permanently disabled physically or mentally. Amazing to be so close to such amazing creatures.

 Eurasian Eagle Owl
 Saw Whet Owl ( in focus) Eastern Screech Owl Red Phase
 Eastern Screech Owl Red Phase
 Snowy Owl