Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Red-Tailed Hawk

I never, ever get tired of seeing these guys sitting above an overgrown field edge waiting for a mouse or vole to make an appearance. On the way to get our Christmas tree Sunday, this beautiful hawk let me take as many photos as I wanted from a distance of about 25 feet.  Better yet I was able to share the experience with Alyson. She was also with me when we saw the Barred owl 2 weeks ago!
Click images to enlarge

Monday, November 08, 2010

Barred Owl In Black and White

On a late day walk with Alyson on Saturday at Beaver Brook we spotted this beautiful very large Barred. Owl I am guessing it was a female based on the size, she allowed us to view and photographer her for over 5 minutes. What a great experience, seeing an owl feels surreal, and magical. 

PS Calendars arrive today and will begin shipping tomorrow.  For more info and to purchase go here!

Monday, November 01, 2010


While I have seen these guys many times, ( usually just a speck flying away) I have never captured one on my camera. That all changed this weekend while doing some deer photography which went very very well!

On a side note 2011 Wildlife Portrait Calendars will start shipping this week! Check the link at the bottom of this post.

Cute little guy. There were 2 together when I stumbled across them

2011 Calendars start shipping this week!! only $10