Monday, February 14, 2011

New Hampshire Seacoast Birds

 Common Eiders

On my way home from some ice fishing in Maine I stopped by some of my favorite birding haunts. Jenness Beach, Rye Harbor, and various pullover areas with no names that I am aware of. Then I made my way down to Salisbury State beach, and headed home with a quick stop in Ipswich to see if the Red Screech Owl was still there.

Its tough to see the water over the high snowbanks making identification difficult and sometimes dangerous with traffic flying by. So I didn't stop as much as I wanted to. I had high hopes to spot the elusive Snowy owl.

After talking to a few members of the Mass Audubon I realized my fears are probably true, there will not be a huge invasion of Snowy owls this year. Seems this is a cycle based on lemming population that occurs every seven years, last year was that year. 

 Common Loon
 Horned Grebe? (first for me is so)
 Bald Eagle shot with a 85mm lens, can only imagine how nice these would be with the 400mm. doh!
 Golden Eyes
 Red Tailed Hawk
Red Morph Screech Owl, round 2

Friday, February 04, 2011

New Painting!

After some time off I am back at it, started this oil painting about a week ago and have been having a blast working on it. It is based on the photos I took this summer on the Nashua River. Stay tuned as I make more progress. I hope to do a short video when I paint the eyes in.