Friday, May 11, 2012

New England Warblers!

I decided to really try to photograph as many warblers as I can this month. With so many species migrating through and so many types of habitat close by it has been it has been a great challenge so far.  Here is where I am as of May 11th.

 Chestnut-Sided warbler
 Common Yellowthroat
 Black and White Warbler
 Black Throated Blue Warbler ( FINALLY!)
 Oven Bird
Prairie Warbler
Black Throated Green Warbler
Yellow Warbler
Yellow Rumped Warbler

Monday, May 07, 2012

Chestnut-Sided Warbler

Some birds get stuck with the silliest names, its almost as if someone was in a major time crunch to name all the birds in the world in one day and could only give each one a fraction of a second to think about an appropriate name. This is very true with the Chestnut-sided Warbler. Clearly it makes sense, the chestnut sides are very obvious, but what about a Masked Yellow Crowned warbler, or perhaps North Eastern Field Warbler. A name with some meaning or character. Ok, so these names are no better but I think I made my point.


I must not lose site that this is one of my favorite birds, a harbinger of spring, with a song that carries across vast fields. I see these little birds only a handful of times each spring and early summer, but never have I been able to get so close and capture so many clear photos of such a fast moving skittish bird. Hope you enjoy!