Thursday, August 30, 2012

It was puking warblers today.

So, in the snow sports world, it is common for a snowboarder or skiier to say " it was puking all day brah" which refers to heavy snow, a good thing. I would like to apply this cool/hip term to birding. So I would like to announce that today it was in fact puking warblers.

All these photos were taken within a half hour or so and I missed many species that just moved to fast.

American Redstart Female

Northern Paula

Prarie Warbler?

Blackburian Warbler

Chestnut Sided Warbler

Magnolia Warbler

Black Throated Green Warbler

Black Throated Green Warbler

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Fall warblers thick and feeding! ID Help Needed

American Redstart showing its good side. 

This morning I was out doing some scouting in Barrington, NH along some freshly cleared forest that will create early successional habitat in the next few years when I found myself buried in warblers. Very quickly I was able to count the following warblers:

Black-Throated Green
Yellow Rumped
American Red Start
Black and White
Cheastnut Sided

also in the mix with the warblers
Tufted Titmouse
Blue Jays

Most seem to be feeding on worms and insects

Not 100% sure on the species in the following 2 images, when the plumage changes from spring to Fall the birds can look VERY different. Any one have suggestiosn for the following 2 birds?

Not sure on this one, best guess is Adult Female Black-Throated Blue??

I can really use some help here on this one.

American redstart

Monday, August 13, 2012

Done and done!

Happy to say that this painting which I am calling " Christmas Morning" is finished, framed and hung! I plan to make some canvas prints for sale in time for the Holidays, hope to make frames for the prints out of rough sawn wood like I did for the original.

Sunday, August 05, 2012


I do not claim to know all the ins and outs of how to make quality furniture out of wood. Far from it in fact. What I have are some basic skills acquired over the years from odd projects and watching others with far more experience. The main driver for my desire to build things recently can be summed up into 3 points.
1. I finally have the room, and most of the basic tools to make stuff.
2. Its a lot easier, more fulfilling, and cheaper to make exactly what you want rather than try to find it at a store.
3. I LOVE the smell of a wood shop in use!

Here are my first 2 attempts with no outside help at making furniture. I feel like a few basic wood working classes would help a lot but its also pretty fun to figure out the issues as they arise, as long as your not wasting boards!

Project #1
Graphic design table

Project #2

TV stand