Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Kings of the Hill

Hello and welcome back. Today's news starts off with a short story that started Monday evening. On my way home from work on my bike I was climbing up a hill on my road, I seem to always be scanning the side yards and woods along the road for any signs of life that might present a great photo opportunity. So, I am riding a long and spot a few deer behind a house. I stopped along side of the road and shot a few blurry images ( It was getting late) One of the owners of the house (Jill) noticed me and must have thought , "what is this guy doing?". Fortunately I was able to tell Jill that I was a photographer/painter and thought that the 8 point buck was really nice. She basically said, "hey you think that nice, that NOTHING " So after a little more conversation Jill invited me to comeback any time. I am pretty sure she didn't know that 'anytime' would be the next day but there I was 6 pm and setting up the tripod on Jill and Francis's deck. After about 20 minutes I spotted some shadows lurking in the woods, within minutes these massive giants revealed themselves as the largest deer I have ever seen in Connecticut. Enjoy the photos and special thanks to my new friends Jill and Francis.

One more update, I have a poster for sale on the official String Cheese Incident Website have a look by flowing the link below.
Cheers for now

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Thank you, the pictures are great "spread eagle" would be pleased. Sorry I didn't offer anything to eat the other night, what was I thinking.
    Whenever you would like to do it again feel free to stop by.

