Monday, February 05, 2007
Cold Waxwings
Cedar Waxwing
(Bombycilla cedrorum) The Cedar Waxwing is the most specialized fruit-eating bird. This bird's primary foods are fleshy fruits that are high in sugar content. Like tropical birds with this diet, Cedar Waxwings are social all year long, they nest in loose clusters, and at times they wander widely in flocks in search of temporarily abundant sources of fruit. Because of their reliance on summer ripening fruit for feeding their hatchlings, they are among the latest birds to nest in North America.
It seems everytime I spot a Wax Wing it is either very high in the top of a tree or flying around so fast I can not get close enough for a good photo. Today, with very cold temperatures it seems like these were reluctant to go anywhere. I find these to be one of the most visually attractive birds we have around here. I was happy to get these photos mid winter when most of our birds have migrated south.
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