Thursday, August 09, 2007
Sleeping Buck, New painting
Hello and welcome back,
On Sunday I went for a short hike up the ridge near my house, it was very hot and humid, a day where you just want to lay down and sleep, but there I was out sweating. As I descended back down the valley to head home I caught out of the corner of my eye, a 8 point buck laying in the leaves with his head on the ground and eyes closed. Not only is it one of the first time I have ever seen a mature buck laying down, but he was actually sleeping! Mid afternoon sunbeams pierced through the dense canopy and made him look spotted. An amazing scene that made me so excited. Now the problem, no camera!!! After a quick thought I had only one choice.. I decided to b-line it straight back to my house ( about 10 minutes away) to get my camera and then come back circling down wind in the slight chance that the buck might still be sleeping. After a manic hike/run, with stinging sweat pouring into my eyes, I arrived at the spot where he was..well his eyes were not closed anymore but I managed to squeeze off a bunch of shots. The majority of the photos were blurry because I was shaking so bad from the intense hike and adrenaline, luckily a few came out really nice. Now after all this I feel strong that this will be the subject of a new painting, in fact the blank canvas is already on the easel. I hope to start this weekend and to document it. Cheers, Look for a Freak update tomorrow, possibly some videos too!
BONUS COYOTE VIDEO! Its a short clip but a first for me! Click Below
I like how his eye is partially closed!!! Very sleepy :)