Sunday, August 23, 2009

A visitor today

Hello everyone,

Its been a while since I posted here, thats what happens when you get beautiful weather and weekends fill up months ahead.... but I have been loving every minute of it, lots of hiking, biking, and thanks to our friend hurricane Bill, Surfing!

I had a nice relaxing morning on this beautiful Sunday and decided to try a quick out door oil painting. I grabbed my paint and canvas and walked about 20 feet out my backdoor under a great shady maple. I chose to paint the flower garden just on the other side of the pool and the back porch. Simple, nothing to crazy.

There I was painting along, minding my own business when my nosy ( or beaky) neighbor had to come over to say hi. I was thrilled when this young Red-Tailed hawk landed in the yard, hung out under a hedge for a little bit, the proceeded to walk right over to me, literally 3 feet away. I am convinced he thought the cleaning brush for the pool was a mouse or something. I was VERY happy that my camera was an arms reach away. This hawk allowed me to take about 50 photos...thanks bud!

Click to enlarge any photo

My painting set-up

See him, look under the hedge..

Just coming over to say hi

getting closer


Doh, its a pool brush..

Just before he left me.

1 comment:

  1. :O !!! I sent you an article about some local Redtails! Why are they being so friendly?

