Saturday, March 27, 2010

First of the Year

Got a nice shot of a Green-Winged Teal this morning in Hollis. Love these ducks.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010

New Painting!

Stage 2
Its been ages since I have painted a deer, this guy come from a vivid memory from Connecticut a few years ago. As I was walking out on a morning hike felt something looking at me from the brush, as I glanced over my shoulder, there he was one of the biggest deer I have ever seen 15 feet away just frozen looking at me. Within seconds he disappeared like a ghost. I was amazed how he could even navigate through the thick brush with the huge set of antlers on his head. On the following day same place same time I was headed out into the woods again, guess who was in the same place.  I would guess i'm about half way done with this little painting, I plan to add a lot of branches and dried goldenrod int he foreground. I didn't take any picture in the very beginning..

Stage 1

Friday, March 12, 2010

Spring Turkeys, Chickadee painting officially done

I was very happy to see these two large tom turkeys already in battle and actually in a standoff over this hen, come on guys its only March! The rest of the hens and jakes stayed well out of the way up in the tree branches about 40 feet off the ground. Also added a few finishing touch to my Chickadee painting, done!
5x7 $150

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

First shed of 2010!!

Sure, its not a huge 6 point antler that weighs pounds not ounces..., but its fresh and beautiful, and I have a photo of the deer it came from! The photos where the deer still had the antler attached was taken on the frigid night of January 30th. The shed antler was found just after the snow melted Monday morning March 8th at the edge of the orchard. Time to find the other side, and hopefully many, many more ( and maybe a huge matching set....fingers crossed. Stay tuned for more antler hunting madness!! I hope I can pull off another 2008.
click images to enlarge 
 This is a photo shows the untouched antler.
Taken January 30th, 2010

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

New Painting!

I had a lot of fun creating this small painting from a photo I took last week. These little chickadees kept me company while I was layed up with the flu. I feel my creative juices flowing again! Ready to start the next painting.....what should it be,...hmm maybe a deer...


Black Capped Chickadee, 5"x7" Acrylic March 2010