Monday, March 15, 2010

New Painting!

Stage 2
Its been ages since I have painted a deer, this guy come from a vivid memory from Connecticut a few years ago. As I was walking out on a morning hike felt something looking at me from the brush, as I glanced over my shoulder, there he was one of the biggest deer I have ever seen 15 feet away just frozen looking at me. Within seconds he disappeared like a ghost. I was amazed how he could even navigate through the thick brush with the huge set of antlers on his head. On the following day same place same time I was headed out into the woods again, guess who was in the same place.  I would guess i'm about half way done with this little painting, I plan to add a lot of branches and dried goldenrod int he foreground. I didn't take any picture in the very beginning..

Stage 1

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