Friday, April 30, 2010

Variety is the spice of life.

Yellow Rumped Warbler, Hollis NH
With all the cold, windy weather I have not been out with the camera for a week or so. This morning was a nice break, sunny, warm and calm. I headed out to the Hollis/ Brookline Highschool where spring break at the school makes for a nice peaceful setting to stroll around. I was very, very happy I went there. When I first got out of my truck I was blown away by a flock of about 40 Yellow Rumped Warblers ( one of my favorite little birds, they are beautiful!), I was shooting some pictures  of them when a coyote ran out into the field right in front of me. As if this was not enough, after the coyote ran off I walked a little further and noticed a duck that seemed different, I took a few shots and realized this was a new one for me. I identified it as a Blue Winged Teal. The on the way back to my truck I spotted a pair of Killdeer doign the hanky panky. Not bad for a half hour before work!
Eastern Coyote, Hollis, NH
Eastern Coyote, Hollis, NH
Blue Winged Teal, Hollis NH
 Mating Killdeer, Hollis NH

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