Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Hike, bucks alive and dead, owls, hawks!

One of my favorite parts about the holidays is heading back to Berlin, CT and getting a chance to go explore the woods I grew up in. This Christmas was no different and managed to squeeze a hike in every day. Seemed like each day I went out I had some great luck.

Some of the highlights were:
• Walking up on a group of 12-18 doe

• A group of 6 bucks walked right by me, the first one below was big, I managed only a few shots between the trees before he busted me and bolted off, the buck below worked with me for a bunch of shots, look close and you will see both of his antlers are broken off on the main beam.

• Nice close views of a red tailed hawk, (same one I saw on Easter)
• lots of song birds

• A GREAT HORNED OWL gave me great views when i was tracking a deer through a swamp, found lots of hair but never found the deer, i think it was shot the day before by a hunter and was never found

 site of a deer kill, never found the body

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