Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Hike, bucks alive and dead, owls, hawks!

One of my favorite parts about the holidays is heading back to Berlin, CT and getting a chance to go explore the woods I grew up in. This Christmas was no different and managed to squeeze a hike in every day. Seemed like each day I went out I had some great luck.

Some of the highlights were:
• Walking up on a group of 12-18 doe

• A group of 6 bucks walked right by me, the first one below was big, I managed only a few shots between the trees before he busted me and bolted off, the buck below worked with me for a bunch of shots, look close and you will see both of his antlers are broken off on the main beam.

• Nice close views of a red tailed hawk, (same one I saw on Easter)
• lots of song birds

• A GREAT HORNED OWL gave me great views when i was tracking a deer through a swamp, found lots of hair but never found the deer, i think it was shot the day before by a hunter and was never found

 site of a deer kill, never found the body

Monday, December 20, 2010

Nubble Lighthouse

Went for a fun drive up the coast this Saturday. After checking out a few rural towns we ended up on Cape Neddick, home of the famous highly photographed Nubble lighthouse. I had not planned to be there and was missing a critical piece of photography tripod. I made do with a few rocks and a pair of gloves to steady my camera. Here are a few of the shots. Enjoy!

Friday, December 10, 2010

2010 Deer Photography Round Up

Sure there are still a few weeks of the year left to capture more deer photos, but I wanted to share some of my favorite shots of the year so far. I captured all of these moments in New Hampshire and Connecticut during 2010. As always click images to enlarge and see detail.

Thursday, December 02, 2010

4 Seasons captured.

Living in New England has always been important to me, I feel that I belong here. Experiencing the change of seasons holds a deep almost spiritual place in my life.

With the change of seasons we see the change of our landscape. Plants sprout, bloom, and wither away, birds migrate, babies are born. Although it happens gradually over a course of weeks and months it can be made very apparent when photographed at the absolute peak of each season.

This is the second time I have attempted to record the dynamic change that occurs at locations right around us. This first set of photos was taken over the past year with summer being the most recent image captured.

This second series was taken several years back in Bethel, CT. I drove past this swing hanging from a tree every day on my way to work. After seeing it in all kinds of different light and seasons the idea popped into my head that it would be a good idea to record each season. Hope you enjoy

Images like this make an amazing Christmas gift in a single frame with 4 cut outs like this image above. Let me know if you have interest!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Red-Tailed Hawk

I never, ever get tired of seeing these guys sitting above an overgrown field edge waiting for a mouse or vole to make an appearance. On the way to get our Christmas tree Sunday, this beautiful hawk let me take as many photos as I wanted from a distance of about 25 feet.  Better yet I was able to share the experience with Alyson. She was also with me when we saw the Barred owl 2 weeks ago!
Click images to enlarge

Monday, November 08, 2010

Barred Owl In Black and White

On a late day walk with Alyson on Saturday at Beaver Brook we spotted this beautiful very large Barred. Owl I am guessing it was a female based on the size, she allowed us to view and photographer her for over 5 minutes. What a great experience, seeing an owl feels surreal, and magical. 

PS Calendars arrive today and will begin shipping tomorrow.  For more info and to purchase go here!

Monday, November 01, 2010


While I have seen these guys many times, ( usually just a speck flying away) I have never captured one on my camera. That all changed this weekend while doing some deer photography which went very very well!

On a side note 2011 Wildlife Portrait Calendars will start shipping this week! Check the link at the bottom of this post.

Cute little guy. There were 2 together when I stumbled across them

2011 Calendars start shipping this week!! only $10

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fall Spectacular!

 I have been lucky enough to photograph and enjoy some of the best peak foliage in the East ( Vermont, New Hampshire) and more recently the West, ( Utah).  Here are some of my favorite shots from the past 3 weeks.
Acworth, NH

Old Friends

Near Bennington, VT

Class 6 Road

Bennington, VT

Uinta Mountains, Utah

Uinta Mountains, Utah
