Monday, January 10, 2011

Snowy trip to Gloucester

I took a drive with my friend and fellow photographer Kevin to the coast in Gloucester, Ma this weekend. We were in search of some winter migrants. There are many species along the coast this time of year that spend the warmer months much further north, this late in the winter they move south offering us a look at these part-time visitors.

Given the tough lighting and constant snow/ ice it made for a great trip with 4 birds I have never seen before. Harlequin Duck, Purple Sandpipers, Ruddy Duck, and White Winged Scoter.

Our first sighting started at the Gloucester--Fisherman's Monument with some close views of the White Winged Scoter fishing near the seawall. The clear water provided great views of what happens once the duck swims below the surface.
 Purple Sandpipers reacting to my presence
 a seal swam by following a commercial fishing boat that had just docked at Jodfrey State Fish Pier
 Ruddy Duck
 These Horned Larks and Snow Buntings required the most effort to photographed, it was snowing quite hard at this point when we arrived at Cape Ann--Good Harbor Beach

Last but certainly not least, one of the main reasons we went to the Gloucester (besides the screech owl that was not present) was to find these Harlequin Ducks. I need to go back and really capture these beautiful birds with some better light! Amazing to watch them dive in unison.

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