Then I kind of forgot about it until i went to check the trail camera in the side of my property today. I knew some thing good would be on the camera when I saw how far the deer carcass had been dragged, also the head was missing. Sure enough, the first documented coyote on the property. Now I feel like I see a lot of coyotes compared to the casual observer and I am very aware of the size of an adult, but this one just looks huge. I cant help but believe that this one has some wolf genes in it.
Call me crazy but look at these 2 shots taken one day apart, a red fox is standing in the exact same location as the coyote. Never have I see such a huge difference in the size of these two animals.
I'm sure its probably just a normal adult coyote but it sure is fun to imagine wolves living among us.
This guy looks like an Alaskan Malmute
That is a big coyote and also in great shape. Read an interesting clip on a site that said "The eastern coyotes do attain larger body weights than western coyotes, and this may reflect hereditary traits as a result of cross breeding between northern coyotes and eastern timber wolves. Weights of over 60 pounds have been recorded for some eastern coyote males".