Monday, February 04, 2013

First Antler of 2013!

I love this time of year. Winters been hanging on, wildlife is surviving on the last remains of stems, acorns and anything else that provides basic calories and nutrition. Just a few weeks from now spring will rear it head and life will again return to the forest.

Still has fresh blood drops on it!

Part of this annual cycle as far as white tailed deer are concerned is a subject I have written about many times, the shedding of the antlers. I always think of Feb 1 as the true beginning of this process that can last for the next 4 weeks.

 Look at his right antler and compare it to the imag eof it ont he ground. The same!!

I went to check my trail camera last weekend and had a few deer walk by with antlers still hanging on. When I went back this weekend to check it I was super excited to stumble across a small very fresh antler about 50 yards from my camera. Then I realized the photo my trail camera captured the week before was the deer who had dropped the antler while he was still holding onto it. very cool!

Here are some more outtakes:

 If I had a dollar for every time i took my own photo on a trail camera....


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