Willam Kramer Studio - Blog

Monday, August 07, 2006

August Owl, 3 Kings, Egret

Had a great weekend of picture taking. Lately I have been curious as to why I never see any Owls. I was driving along a back road in Redding last night, just as I uttered those words " I want to see an owl!" to Jo. I swear not 20 seconds later this Barred owl (the first I have ever seen) flew up and landed in a branch right next to my truck. Sure its kind of blurry ( hand held I was shooting ASA 1600 F5.6 1/6th of a second) BUT I got a shot of an owl.
Now this is not the first time this has happened. Two other times recently I would be out with my camera, see a nice lighting situation, and think of an animal I want to photograph and within minutes it appears, very strange but something is definitely up! This morning I witnessed and captured a group of 3 bucks and a fawn. From what I can tell there is little to no interaction between males and fawns, I have even heard this from seasoned hunters. So this was a very enjoyable rare experience! Finally while traveling down route 58 near Putnam Park in Redding on the way to go Mt biking we spotted a Common Egret. Not so common to me, and very easy to spook enjoy the photos! Click on the image to see full size.

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