Wednesday, July 21, 2010


 Old equipment barn at Woodmont Orchards, Hollis NH

I've never been so obsessed with light as I am these days. I realized this the other night when the National Weather Service warned of impending doom "frequent lightning and quarter-sized hail". It was a Monday night which I planned to keep it chill and relax after a long, hot day at work. Plans changed. I had already flipped the TV on and plopped down on the couch for a particularly funny episode of Two and a Half Men when I peered to the window and saw the sky evolving into an abstract set of colors and light. Right there I decided I need to go and find the tallest hill with a nice open skyline that was close to my house. I immediately  thought of an old apple farm called Woodmont Orchards. These orchards are part public land, part rundown apple orchards and part land that is about to be leased for agriculture in a creative way to save it from development.  The following photos are the result of walking around for 2 hours till sunset with no mission other than to wait for moments of particular beauty and try to capture them. While the true storm missed us to the south it was a surreal, almost dreamlike experience non-the-less.
 The old abandon farm house
 Lightning off in the distance
 Old orchard in desperate need of pruning and love
Red-Tailed Hawk watching the approaching storm

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