Monday, July 19, 2010

Monday Morning Walk

I tried to beat the heat today and went for a nice short walk at Beaver Brook. The open fields are nice because the deerflies don't seem to venture out into them. The indigo buntings seem here to stay, every time I walk out there I see several male and females.

 Juvenile Cedar Waxwing

 Common Yellow Throat

Species seen
Indigo Buntings 6
C. Waxwings 12 (one juv PHOTO)
Yellow Throat 1 (Photo)
House Wrens 20?
Gold Finches 10
Pine warbler 3
Downy WP 1
Unknown Raptor
Unknown warblerlike bird (photo) 3-4

I would love some feedback on the unknown bird, there were at least 3 or 4 of them. 


1 comment:

  1. The unknown bird is a female Common Yellowthroat. - Larry M
